Unless the LORD builds the house,
those who build it labor
in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake
in vain.
Psalm 127:1, ESV
I have long known that verse but, sad to say, I have often ignored its wisdom. Thus, God has brought that verse to my mind again and again through the years and especially in the past few weeks. I sense He wants me to share this message with you, Dear Reader, in case you are also struggling with plans and projects that simply won't "come together."
As we go about our work, as we plan our work and work our plan, let's remind ourselves often of the truth in Psalm 127:1 and in these words (excerpted from Matthew Henry's Commentary on that verse):
"Let us always look to God's providence...
If God be not acknowledged,
we have no reason to expect his blessings;
and the best-laid plans fail,
unless he crowns them with success..."
Father, forgive us for failing to acknowledge our need of You, for planning our work without first having sought Your will and Your ways. Help us learn to ask You what You want us to do, and then help us to do exactly what You say and to do it well.