Monday, July 31, 2017

Unlimited Power

Shoshone Falls (212 feet high) near Twin Falls, Idaho
While reading the July 19, 2017, issue of Our Daily Bread, I found this quote, which really spoke to me:
Never measure 
God's unlimited power
your limited expectations.

As I reflected on those words, I recalled Ephesians 3:20, one of my favorite Bible verses, which I'd memorized many years ago. 
Now to Him 
who is able to do 
far more abundantly 
beyond all that we ask or think, 
according to the power 
that works within us

As I reflected on those familiar words, I decided to look up that verse in the new Bible (The VOICE) a dear friend had given me for my birthday a few weeks prior.
(20) Now to the God 
who can do so many awe-inspiring things, 
immeasurable things, 
things greater than 
we ever could ask or imagine 
through the power at work in us, 
(21) to Him be all glory in the church 
and in Jesus the Anointed 
from this generation to the next, 
forever and ever. 

Any way you say it, our God is mighty! Praise Him!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Not Dead--Again!

A column in our local newspaper was entitled “I woke up not dead again in [name of town].” Intrigued by that title, I read what else the columnist had to say. 

He said he had awakened at 6 a.m. (without his alarm having sounded) and checked his big toe to see if it had a tag attached to it. It didn’t.

Having concluded he wasn't dead, he proceeded to enjoy a day filled with blessings, such as: a delicious cup of coffee, a favorite breakfast, a free concert by backyard birds, a morning walk, a beautiful sunrise, a humorous e-mail from a dear friend, e-mails from his children, an inspirational sermon at church, a delicious brunch at a local restaurant, and a round of golf in the afternoon.

“Even though I know that none of us will get out of here alive,” he said, “…I rejoice whenever I wake up not dead.”

Dear Reader, let's join him in being grateful for every morning we wake up not dead again. Let's also join him in thanking our Father for all the other blessings He lavishes upon us.

Morning by morning, 
God wakes me up 
opens my understanding to His will
Isaiah 50:4

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Since I enjoy knowing why and how certain songs and books were written, I was thrilled when I discovered an online site that features Dottie Rambo telling the backstory of how she wrote the words to Sheltered in the Arms of God.

As she walked on the beach, brokenhearted over being betrayed by a friend and struggling to write the first verse to the song, she watched various kinds of junk washing ashore. She thought, That’s kinda like life. Stuff surfaces. Sometimes we focus on it rather than on the good.

As she continued to walk and grieve, she slowly shifted her focus from her brokenness to the realization that God was walking with her and was taking care of her. Suddenly—and for the first time ever—she felt the gentle touch of a hand on her shoulder, though she saw no one around. Then the words to the song came to her!

I’m so thankful God gave her the words for they touch my heart every time I hear them. What a blessing it is to be reminded that God sees all that happens to us—the good and the bad—and that He does stay near us and care for us. As we sense His loving presence, we receive the strength to “carry on” even in heart-wrenching situations.

If you’d like to hear Dottie tell this touching backstory 
and sing the beautiful song, 
please click here:

Monday, July 10, 2017

Give a Rose

A friend of mine always prefaces a compliment by saying, "Now, [name], I'm going to give you a rose."

She prefers to "give roses" while her friends are living and can savor her sweet words and be uplifted by them rather than to give a wreath of roses after her loved ones have passed away.

The Bible says gracious words (pleasant words, kind words) are sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (See Proverbs 16:24.)

Give a rose to someone today! 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Please, God!

The Sunday prior to July 4th, our congregation sang the poem-turned-song, America the Beautiful. I noticed that the writer (Katharine Lee Bates) had included in it several prayers for America that are just as fitting today as when she wrote them in 1893. For example:

America! America! 
God shed his grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.

America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine.

Will you join me in asking God to do these things for America and to enable her to once again become a nation filled with people who love the Lord God and seek to honor and please Him in all we do and in all we say? Only with His help will America be beautiful in every way—from sea to shining sea.