Friday, October 23, 2015

Shielding. Guarding. Watching.

I awoke well before the alarm would have awakened me at 6 a.m. Immediately, my mind began thinking of two people, unrelated to each other and in very different situations, who were filled with fear and dread over the difficulties that might fill their day. Although I was powerless to help either of them, I knew Someone who could. So, I talked to God about them. I asked Him to comfort them, watch over them, protect them, and give them strength to face the injustices and tauntings they feared would come their way.  

For more than 30 minutes, I prayed exclusively for them, though I had no idea why the prompting to pray had come so strongly—and at that early hour. When I could think of nothing else to say on their behalf, I got out of bed and went to the sunroom sofa where I sit most mornings to hear what God says to me as I read His Word. My daily Bible reading took me to Proverbs 1 and 2. And when my eyes focused on the words I’ve included in the graphic below, a sense of peace and gratitude flooded my mind and heart because I felt confident God would most assuredly shield and guard as He constantly watched over the two people who so needed such care from Him. 

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