Sunday, November 4, 2012

In Its Time

Knowing I love to photograph “all things nature,” my neighbor often says, “Come over anytime you want to.” Whenever she thinks there’s something extra special on her patio, she’ll call to tell me about it, as she did one Spring day when the patio looked especially nice (following a garden club meeting). I walked over late that afternoon and spent an hour or more delighting in the results of her hard work. Knowing that “early” light provides a different “look” for the photos, I returned the following morning. 
One chilly morning in late October, I returned to the patio, not to photograph the upholstered furniture or the big hydrangea bushes, for their beautiful blue blooms were “past their prime.” My attention was on the fall leaves that had floated lazily down, decorating the tables and the brick pavers and the grass and the flower pots…. As I photographed, I liked not only what I was seeing but also the sound of the leaves as they crunched beneath my feet.

Seeing how the patio looked very different in the Fall than it had in the Spring, I reflected on what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3:11(New Living Translation): “God has made everything beautiful for its own time.” Indeed, God does transform everything (and everyone!) according to His plans and purposes. So, as I delight in the beauty that’s all around me at any given time, I’m also eager to see how He will make that thing (or that person!) even more beautiful in the days ahead.

(c) 2012 by Johnnie Ann Burgess Gaskill. For permission to use, please contact me at johnniegaskillATgmailDOTcom.

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