One day a week or so ago when my daily Bible reading brought
me to the 104th chapter of Psalms, I came to these words: “O LORD, how
many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of
Your possessions. There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without
number, animals both small and great” (Psalm 104:24-25, New American Standard Bible).
Immediately, I recalled places my husband I had especially enjoyed
this past May while on a trip to northwestern Nevada and northern California.
One place in particular seemed to fit the Scripture passage. So, I mentally
returned there to reminisce about what we’d seen and experienced in the Fort
Bragg area of California. While standing on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific
Ocean, we’d seen not only the beautiful blue waters of the seemingly endless Pacific,
but also two harbor seals sunning themselves and a migrating whale that surfaced
just for a moment. We’d been intrigued by men in scuba diving suits who’d
managed to get down the steep, treacherous cliffs to search around the rocks for
abalone and other creatures hiding there.
As I recalled such scenes, I realized anew that the psalmist
was exactly right in giving the Creator the credit for all the wonders we’d
seen on that trip—as well as those we see all around us every day! What a
beautiful world He has made!
(c) 2014 by Johnnie Ann Gaskill
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