Monday, June 10, 2019

Change Your Default?

Although two of the emails I received on the same day came from different people (a photographer and a professional speaker), each contained the same basic advice.  Consider changing your default. 

Those four words lingered in my mind. I was very familiar with the term "default settings," of course, but I looked up the phrase and learned that a default is "a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer." 

I have a long list of "defaults," don't you? (Things or people that I automatically turn to in certain situations.) For example, I have a "go to" breakfast that I eat most mornings. Thankfully, it's a healthy choice.

But if my regular defaults are harmful to me (or to others) or if they keep me away from benefits provided by other choices, it's definitely time (past time!) to choose new defaults.

Dear Reader, there is one "default," a spiritual one that--once it's set on GOD--should never be changed. The Bible clearly says:

Therefore, He is the One to whom we should automatically turn to every time. If He isn't, then it's time to change that default.

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