Saturday, May 29, 2021


Recover. Such a hope-filled word—in all its various tenses—in all its synonyms. For example, I was thrilled when the surgeon assured me (in September 2020) that I’d fully recover from a tendon repair surgery. And my recovery was much shorter than even he expected. I’m not fully to the point I was before the tendon partially ruptured from my right hip months ago, but I’m almost there. I thank God for His helping me to regain the flexibility I once enjoyed in that hip and leg. 

I thank Him, too, for His many promises to restore His people in various ways. Why, He even promises to enable His people to recover from the devastation that resulted from years of locust invasions.

What an awesome God! 

Note: I wrote the above using the "Five Minute Friday" word for May 28, 2021: Recover. For an explanation of what that is, click here:


@RhondaLBrown2 said...

Hi, I am your neighbor today at the Five-Minute-Friday blog post. What an awesome promise that God will retore what is lost, heal the hurt and comfort the heart. Rhonda

Johnnie Ann Gaskill said...

Thanks for commenting! Yes, His promise to restore IS awesome!