Wednesday, July 24, 2024

To the Rescue

As I walked from the kitchen to the landing at the top of the stairs that lead to the garage floor, I noticed a female hummingbird flying hither and yon near the high ceiling of the garage. I had no idea how long she’d been trying to find her way to the outside. And I didn’t have time to help her since I needed to arrive on time at the doctor’s office.

When I returned an hour or so later, she was still flying around and around even though I’d left the double-car garage door open. I knew the tiny hummer was exhausted and panic-stricken. Yet, I didn’t know how to help her. Even if I had taken a broom and tried to usher her toward the opening, I was too short to get it near her.

I prayed, “Lord, help me think of a way to help her.”

Then this idea popped into my mind: She’ll be attracted to the red single-stem tulip in a red vase in the living room.

I hurried to get it. I placed it on the small table in the garage. Afterward, I stood on the landing for a minute or so to see what she’d do. She continued flying around and around.

Then I thought, I can put water in the base of the hummingbird feeder I washed this morning.

I followed through with that idea, feeling quite proud of having come up with two creative solutions. When I returned to the landing, the little hummer was trying to sip from the silk flower. Even though she found nothing nourishing there, she was able to see the way out of the garage. In a flash, she was gone.

As I brought the vase and flower and the base of the feeder inside, I said, “Thank You, Father, for helping me save one of Your tiny creatures.”

I’m like that tiny bird. I sometimes get myself into situations that I don’t want to be in, situations that I never intended to be in and can see no way out of. When that happens, I am so thankful for those God sends to rescue me. I am especially thankful He sent His Son to set me free from the sin that entangled me and would have resulted in spiritual death and separation from God for all eternity. 

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