While walking on my driveway a few months after my husband passed away, I noticed how beautifully the early morning light was falling on my house and on the small crepe myrtle bush blooming beside my driveway. I couldn't resist stopping three or four times to take photos with the camera on my cell phone.
I thought, My senses are waking up like they do whenever I become sleepily aware of my surroundings after a sound sleep. Indeed, I felt more alert than I had in weeks.
As I savored those feelings, I recalled having heard a guest on a podcast say, "Don't set a goal of being happy. Happiness is an illusion. It comes and goes, depending on the circumstances. Instead, look for points of joy throughout your day. The more points of joy you experience, the happier you'll feel. To experience more points of joy, use your five senses."
That's what I did as I continued my morning walk. Sure enough, I experienced points of joy as I felt the gentle breeze on my skin and heard the chirping of birds as they flew around the yard.
I did this pointillism design while chatting on the phone with a friend. It won't ever win an award, but it brought me joy as I created it. |
Just as hundreds and hundreds of small dots can form a beautiful image on paper or canvas, many points of joy can create a happier life. Dot. Dot. Dot. Joy. Joy. Joy. Voila!
To learn more about pointillism and see how the "masters" did it, click here: