Thursday, March 19, 2015

Words As Sweet As Honey!

Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and
health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24, ESV

When I read the above verse, I immediately recalled the photos I’d taken the day my husband robbed the bee hives he’d put at the far edge of the backyard. After he’d suited up in his beekeeping garb and gotten the smoker ready, etc., he headed to the hives and removed the wooden frames that held the honeycombs. He placed them in a big, aluminum dishpan, and then he brought the pan of delicious sweetness to a table on the screened-in porch. There, he used a sharp knife to release the honeycomb from the frames, as shown in the photo below. My mouth watered at the sight of that golden goodness oozing from the honeycomb.

He no longer tends bees, but we always keep “store-bought” honey on the lazy Susan on our kitchen table. It’s especially delicious on a homemade biscuit, but I love it so much that I’m happy to eat it all by itself—one teaspoonful every day or so. But now when I eat it, I’ll think of the above verse, which will remind me how sweet and healthy gracious words are!!!!!  (They’re calorie free, too, so I can enjoy them all day—every day!)

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