Sunday, October 7, 2018

Look up!

As I woke up one morning, I heard a beautiful song via the BBN Radio app on my cell phone. I loved the message it contained, so I got right out of bed and began to search the Internet for the lyrics (see below). 

John Bieri may have written them in the 1930s and 40s. Perhaps after reading what God said to Noah in Genesis 6:16 (“Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks."), Bieri then included in his song other words God might have spoken to Noah.

I want to share the lyrics with you because I believe they will encourage you, too. Although the wording varies slightly from source to source and from vocalist to vocalist, the meaning remains the same: When in difficult circumstances, look up and see God standing by—watching over you, ready to help you.


When God spoke unto Noah, and told him to build the ark,
The Lord knew well the vessel would be cheerless and dark,
So God said build a window with outlook toward the sky,
That's when it's dark and lonesome, you'll see Me standing by.

The storms will come, but fear not; oh, children, I am nigh,
And through the upper window, you'll see Me standing by.

It may be that affliction will rack and rend your frame
Until your mortal body is seared with fevered flame.
But do not be discouraged; just lift your tear-dimmed eye,
And through the upper window, you'll see Me standing by.

Perhaps you'll suffer losses, like houses, lands, and gold,
And you will feel you're homeless, and penniless, and old;
But sweetest peace and comfort will life your painful sigh,
When through the upper window, you'll see Me standing by.

It may be that bereavement will take a loved one dear,
A soul that brought you gladness, real happiness and cheer;
But it will cheer your sad heart, when loved ones from you fly,
When through the upper window, you'll see Me standing by.

If you'd like to listen to the song, please click here:

(Note: This is not the same rendition I heard over BBN Radio.)

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