NOTE: Below is my response to the June 4, 2021, writing prompt (slow) provided by Kate Motaung on her website, This first (and short) attempt at getting words on a page is “nothing to brag about.” However, I plan to include, in a longer piece, these thoughts—and others I could not type in only five minutes. By participating each week in Five Minute Friday, I’m learning that writing even a few words matters! Those words, however, lackluster, can be turned into a thoughtful, polished, piece!
Slow. Interesting word, isn’t it?
A friend says sadly, “I’m as slow as pond water.”
Years ago, when my youngest daughter was reluctant to climb out of her cozy bed, especially on school mornings, but would finally drag herself to the breakfast table, I’d teasingly say, “Honey, you’re as slow as molasses on a cold winter morning.”
Once, when talking with a friend, we agreed we were like “two ol’ turtles living in the fast lane.”
So, I wonder, can being slow be a good thing? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
For example, the Bible says God is slow to become angry. But He is not slow regarding His promises. Being slow to obey is not good. But being slow (sure/careful/methodical) is.