Thursday, February 18, 2016

Unity of Hands and Hearts

At the conclusion of a visit with two dear friends I rarely get to see, I said, "May I take a picture of you?"

"Certainly," they said. "Where would you like us to stand?"

They went to the spot I'd suggested and, without any prompting from me, reached for each other's hand.

When I saw what they had instinctively done, I realized that sweet gesture was so typical of them.  While observing them through the years, I'd seen how tenderly they loved and cared for one another and how they'd always faced life together...hand in hand and heart to heart.

Now, that's a beautiful picture!

...a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; 
and they shall become one flesh.
 Genesis 2:24, NASB

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