Sunday, February 28, 2016

Live Happy!

One exceptionally warm day in February, I ventured into our yard to take photographs. I paused to take a picture of the little garden flag I'd bought and displayed after I'd removed the Christmas flag in late December. 

Although it's more appropriate for the Spring and Summer seasons, I displayed it anyway because I need to be reminded often to "Live Happy," since I, like you, Dear Reader, have burdens and struggles that could easily bring on depression. But I choose to be happy wherever I am and whatever the situation--and, for the most part, I truly am.

But that Spring-like day made it even easier to put work aside, for a few hours, and enjoy the blessing of the special day God had given me.
I felt happy and carefree as I made photographs of the daffodils and blooms on a Japanese Magnolia tree in a friend's yard. The happiness remained as I uploaded the photos and edited them. 

I'm continuing to be thankful for the gift of a beautiful day, for the signs of approaching Spring, for beauty amid the drabness of Winter, for a few hours of respite from responsibilities, for the physical ability to walk around outside again (even though I'm still dependent on a cane)....

As I reflected on all the above, this verse came to mind: 
A merry heart does good like a medicine...
Proverbs 17:22


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