Monday, April 6, 2015

Ways to Say, "I Love You."

After I’d (belatedly!!!!) e-mailed a friend some photos I’d taken at her husband’s retirement party, she replied, saying, “Thank you, Johnnie. You’re the best!”

I replied, saying, “I don't know about ‘the best,’ but my heart motivates me to love people and to do my best to let them know I do. Taking pictures (and sharing them, even if weeks late) is one way I say, ‘I love you, and I'm happy to be part of your life, part of your special moments!’”

Participating in special moments with family and friends is indeed a joy; but when those memories are recorded, shared, and preserved in pictures and/or in words, then the special moments can be enjoyed again and again every time the pictures are viewed and/or the words are read. That’s why I delight in being a photographer and a writer. 

Dear Reader, what gifts/talents do you use to demonstrate your love for others? Counseling? Cooking? Coaching? Chauffeuring? Feeding? Encouraging? Nursing? Repairing? Sewing? Teaching? Visiting?... Whatever it is that we enjoy doing and are “good at” can easily be used to enrich the lives of others. If we’re constantly on the lookout for ways to use our skill sets, we and others will be greatly blessed. And, more importantly, we will honor our Lord and Savior.

“A new commandment I give to you, 
that you love one another: 
just as I have loved you, 
you also are to love one another. 
By this 
all people will know that you are my disciples, 
if you have love for one another.”

~Jesus (John 13:34-35, ESV)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true! Sweet photo of you sharing such love with Nanny!