Sunday, March 10, 2019

Gifts Galore!

After reading Ann Voskamp's wonderful book, One Thousand Gifts Devotional, I decided to start my own list of 1,000 gifts. I purchased several inexpensive 6" x 9" notebooks at the local Dollar General store and began my list on August 2, 2014. Currently, I’ve listed over 5,000.

As I’m winding down each evening, I
mentally review the day, write down gift after gift (at least a page or two), and thank God for each one I list.

Ann Voskamp makes her entries throughout the day in a journal she keeps on her kitchen counter.

Another writer (Jim Stovall) maintains what he calls "The Golden List." Every morning he adds to it ten things for which he's thankful. 

How we maintain such a list is not the important thing. Becoming aware of and thankful for all the amazing things we already have transforms our attitude. We feel happier and more grateful. 

As we list our gifts day after day, we see how truly rich  we are, no matter our income level or the size of our house. Whining and envy and pessimism gradually disappear. Contentment and optimism increase as we train ourselves to focus on the good things in our life.

Although keeping a gratitude journal does require a few extra minutes of time each day, the time is well spent! 


Unknown said...

It is an endless list. We are so very,blessed.

Johnnie said...

You are so right! My 5,000+ gifts are only a "drop in the bucket."