Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Push Past the Fear

When an entrepreneur planned a team building activity, she didn't realize the rope course would be so high. As she stared at the tall ladder she'd have to climb in order to reach the horizontal telephone pole she'd then have to walk across before dropping to the ground, terror gripped her. But since she was the leader, she forced herself to climb the ladder, totally terrified all the while even though she knew the cables fastened to her body would prevent any serious injury. 

When she reached the top and stepped onto the pole that was waaaay above the ground, she froze. With her right hand, she gripped a suspension cable. With her left she held on to an upright pole. Only when a teammate called out, "You gotta let go to move forward," did she summon the courage to inch forward.

She almost made it to the far end of the pole before losing her balance and free falling (safely!) to the ground, screaming all the while. Even though she fell, she celebrated having done the very thing she'd feared.

Smiling broadly, she said, "Every time you do something that scares you, it builds up your confidence so that can do it one more time--and begin to do things a little scarier and harder. Before you know it, you're doing things you never even dreamed possible."

Spiritual lesson: 
If God calls us to do something that seems impossible, let's step out in faith even if we are scared. If He requires it of us, He will surely enable us to do it. Let's trust Him!

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