Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Pair'em Up! Get'em Done!

A lady who sends frequent emails says she's trying something new this year. Instead of making resolutions, she's setting up habits that will help her accomplish things she needs to do. For example, instead of just resolving to "eat more fruits and vegetables this year," she's planning to develop the habit of snacking on a fruit or veggie each day at 3 p.m. While she's munching on a healthy snack, she's going to watch Lightroom videos so that she can learn more about photo editing. Pairing something she NEEDS to do (eat fruits and veggies) but is not likely to do with something she WANTS to do (and will do!) should strengthen the habit of eating healthy snacks. Smart, I'd say!

Most of us eagerly do what we want to do, but we aren't always so faithful in doing the things we know we should do but find it difficult to do. But if we pair something easy to do with something hard, we're more likely to do the hard thing, aren't we?

In light of that, I've enrolled in a program that encourages me to take 7500 steps (or more!) per day for at least 20 out of 30 days each month. I've committed to do that--and I will. However, since I'm not as faithful in having an extended prayer time each day, I'm going to pair the walking with talking with God.

Any ideas about what you can pair together? If so, please click on POST A COMMENT below and share your plans.

1 comment:

Johnnie Ann Gaskill said...

I'm eager to read about what you readers are going to do!